Taiwan Color Code
I arrived in Taiwan in 1992. Among all the things that struck me at that time, were the richness, the strength and the variations of colors. The tropical light was shadowed by the clouds and haze proper to mountains and to sea. To the sharp red of the temples or the intense green of the palms responded vague mixtures of grey, pale blue, pink, and orange shades on gas stations, signposts and commodity stores scattered along the roads. An oncoming tropical storm was reflected on a helmet, when a motorbike stopped at a crossroad. Sun rays falling on a metal roof would suddenly strike a strident note against the misty vagueness of the hills. The language of townships and cities seemed to arise from a continuum of colors, paler or more incandescent according to the hours and to the seasons.
As years passed, the landscapes and the scenery of the island became even more intimate to me, as if embedded in my own channels of perception. I am unable to recount the stories or words of wisdom that shapes and colors instill in me, but they seem to arise in patterns and codes that work their wonders throughout my body and soul. Ultimately, the spirit of the place and the recollections of the pilgrim are mixed into one and the same color code.